Connect to Quickbooks

QuickBooks is a widely recognised and trusted cloud-based accounting software used by businesses worldwide. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features designed to streamline financial management processes and improve overall productivity.


With QuickBooks and Roveel, you can streamline your accounting processes and gain valuable insights to drive your business forward.


Roveel’s API seamlessly integrates with the QuickBooks API, enabling a powerful cloud-based reporting solution. By leveraging this integration, you gain access to advanced reporting features and analytical capabilities.

Your Questions

Roveel Quickbooks Dashboard Screens
  • What about support?

    We offer email and telephone support during normal working hours - 9am to 6pm GMT (Monday to Friday). If we are busy, please leave a message and one of the team will contact you. We also have a help desk library containing many useful articles to answer your questions:

  • Can I add my other company to Roveel?

    Yes, simply log in, click on your company name and select the "+" symbol.

  • How do I customise my reports?

    We offer a full design, build and deploy process, personal to your business. Email your requirements to us at [email protected]

  • Do I have to manually import files to Roveel?

    Roveel automatically synchronises your file when you first get set up and auto refreshes on a daily basis without the need to export or import any files manually.

  • Where is my data stored and is it secure?

    We take data privacy seriously. We use Amazon Web Services to host our data and use servers located in Ireland. Please see our Privacy Policy here for further information.

  • Is the product an app or a website?

    Roveel is a responsive web application which can be accessed on your desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet. The web address can be bookmarked into your favourites and a shortcut created as an “app” on your mobile / tablet device. See our help article here.

  • Can I access my data on my smartphone or tablet?

    Yes, Roveel can be accessed at from your mobile or tablet.

  • Where is my data stored and is it secure?

    At Roveel we take data privacy seriously. We use Amazon Web Services to host our data and use servers located in Ireland. Please see our Privacy Policy here for further information.