Managing your sales, stock, profits and margins is vital to your success as a wholesaler

Start a free trial today with out-of-the-box business dashboards to get connected with your data.

4.67 Stars (59 Reviews) 2024


Roveel Sales Invoice Profit Report

The Top 5 Roveel dashboards used by Wholesalers

  • 1

    Sales Overview

    Quickly identify customer trends, product category and product trends.
  • 2

    Profit Overview

    Understand profit at product, customer and department level.
  • 3

    Credit Control

    An in depth drill down into who owes you what and how overdue it is.
  • 4

    Stock Analysis

    Understand the profile of your stock and stock categories. Use Roveel to identify slow moving items.
  • 5

    Order Insights

    Identify the status of orders, profitability per order and analyse the pipeline of orders.

Increase Your Profitability

Instantly understand your profitability. Which customers, departments, regions, sales people are yielding the most (and least) profit to the business. Easy and quick to access from anywhere.

Uncover Hidden Sales Trends

Access new sales data, unlocking trends and insights at product and customer level obtaining deep insights into your customers spend behaviour.


Our customisation service enabled SaxonAir to gain instant insight over the company's flight profitability.

Identify Sales Opportunities

Hear from Craig at Seneye who uses Roveel every day to identify and narrow in on sales opportunities.

Profile Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

MD, Lynbond 2000 Cleanroom Consumables Wholesaler

"The whole process took an hour. Once loaded up, it was phenomenal."

"Roveel and the KPI dashboards built for us have helped with our ISO accreditation."

Hear from Andrew on how Roveel has helped
Lynbond 2000 significantly reduce their
data processing time.